Doll says:
i used to flirt with a lot of guys as in juz flirt
haf fun n all
nw it's like
i'm so scared
hahaa i think i am a fker
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Lord forgive me for my sins i know its last minute,
Put the chronic in the air a little hash in it
Spread my wings, if only i could fly
why fight to live homie, if we only living to die
Friday, November 20, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Windy Days
For those who understand weather, there were two front coming in today from the south and the north today. They both met right smack at where Palmerston North was. So we experienced 50G70 Kts wind ( 90-120 km/h).
Videos are not so clear. But there is that much you can see at 2 in the morning.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Kissan: A must watch
Kisaan: A Film About Farmer Suicides?
I recently heard about a new bollywood movie called Kisaan and had the opportunity to watch it last night. I had been told the movie was about farmer suicides in punjab and while i was aware it was a bollywood production, I definitely made time to watch it as it is such an important issue.
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Monday, September 21, 2009
A cherry blossom is the name for the flower of cherry trees known as Sakura (Japanese kanji : 桜 or 櫻; hiragana: さくら) in Japanese. In English, the word "sakura" is equivalent to the Japanese flowering cherry.Cherry fruit (known in Japanese as sakuranbo) comes from another species of tree.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Honestly, only for Madina
I've only made a card for my mom, grandmums and now Madina. thats all..none for other girlfriends...
Friday, September 4, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
It all burns down to an ash,to dust this life's been dashed.
where have those little smiles gone ?
these sighs are charred...this breath is smoke.cant revive a hope that is choked.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Test for Potential RSAF Pilots
Apparently, RSAF pilots can hold out for 2 minutes. I only did for 15 seconds.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Never Been
Friday, August 21, 2009
yo Bilal, whatsup

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Lax Tour 2009
i been blessed, been graced. i met the comptons finest. someone i followed for years on in. I was standing 3 feet away from him. What i expected and more. That star on his face, NWA across his chest. Mother fucking devotion...Big Dreams..Sucesss....
" sleep is the cousin of death; so my eyes wide open, coz your last breath kin to your motherfucking death" - Jayceom Taylor aka The Game...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Schumi's Back
So Michael Schumacher is back for Ferrari.I reckon he won't make much
of a difference. When he left, hewas behind ALonso so i think he is
going to suffer now with the new cars n technology..
In class right now, having navigation lesson ryt nw. Had a very poor
test today, dnt knw if I will pass. So damn demoralized.
We wanna rest coz of the burnout bt we gt a long race to goooooooo
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
An instant hit..Tiki Taane
Always on my Mind- Tiki Taane
You will most def. fall in love with it. Most def.
Tell me whatcha think.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
That is one reason why Nawaljeet Singh.... Another is because Omarion said this " I got an icebox where my heart use to be".... I swear i am emo as hell as always...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
coz i got so much more
Schools started, as its awesome. A hell lot of work. 5 Papers. Tests Next Week. All is good. Just just not not feeling very content about my work.just go to bed every night with an uneasy feeling.messed up.coz i got so much more. i dont wanna regret this.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
coz i got so much more
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Madina Karim

P.S Sry i stole this pic from ur fb, and dont u'll reckon its damn dangerous that people can just copy ur pix.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Karan,is this final final ?
21st June- Spend a day in Auckland ( Temple, Sky Jump, Some shopping)
22nd June - Spend another day in Auckland (Dress Smart Factory Outlet, Botany Town Centre,Cafe District of Ponsoby/Herne Bay)
23rd - Drive to 90 Mile beach, on the way down, stop at Paihia Dophins. Spend a night at Paihia
24th - Stop by Waima, than leave for Rotorua after that...
24th - Rotorua - Waitomo Caves, Sulphur Pools, Champagne Pools
25th - Taupo - Lake Taupo, Tongariro Crossing,
26th - Drive to Palmerston North, Fielding
27th- Napier
28th - Napier travel back to Palmerston North
29th - Wellington- Than flightt....
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Karan's coming to New Zealand
Friday, June 12, 2009
Taking Chance
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Good Dick
Watched a recently released movie after a while, and this one was goood. Seriously. just watch it. no need to read the synopsis..just watch it first.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Commitment Freak or Perfectionist?
I am either, i dont know which one though..
Its either I am running away from relationships or i am waiting for the girls of my dreams.. Now i dont know if she will ever come..
How How How How?
Friday, May 29, 2009
" Lord please keep your eyes on me,
if i die i'd pray me soul you'll keep.
I dont want this world to kill me,
Bt i am going so weak.
I cant take much more, I just wanna be freee " - Lil Wayne
Monday, May 25, 2009
Wah cb weekend..
[00:47] J: hahah,
[00:47] J: k
[00:47] J: Sat i had soccer. i played it in 9 deg. with hail and rain.
[00:47] J: than had a party at night. my friends gf came from singapore. so party ended at 1.30am and went to bed at 2.30
[00:48] J: woke up at 7am to go to wellington which is 2 hrs away to show my friends gf around.
[00:48] J: so we reached there at 1030.
[00:48] J: and we went to the mueseum! went shopping all that.
[00:49] J: than at 4 we decided to leave. so i was tired. so my friend drove and his gf sat infront. i was sleeping.
[00:49] J: ow we were driving a Bmw.
[00:49] J: half an hr later my friend wakes me up. eh the battery weak sign appear how.
00:50] J: so we quickly turned into a parking lot near a petrol station.
:51] J: so we got out and started to fix the car! we found the front grill of the bmw missing! the radiator fan broke
[00:51] J: smemore my friends car.!
00:52] J: we called my friend. he said he will drive down now. he was like 2 hrs away.
[00:52] J: that was 5.30.
[00:52] J: so we waited in a petrol station till 7.30!
[00:52] J: all wet and cold.
00:53] J: than we called other help and this guy came
[00:53] J: he said u can drive the car back for 2hrs. but must go damn slowly.
[00:53] J: so we decided to do that.
00:53] J: yeap.
[00:53] J: so we drove 5 minx on the highway and yeap. the radiator went red.
[00:54] J: we took the next exit at a cemetry!
[00:54] J: we realised there is something elaking!
[00:54] J: leaking
J: yea.. lucky there was this vet who stopped and helped us. we parked the car at his hse and called the towing company
[00:55] J: than we were literally drenched now. from socks to jackets to thermals.
[00:55] J: than as we were leaving in another car. my friends car got stuck in a ditch!
haha than that took time to get it out.
[00:55] J: we only reached back at 11.30 all wet and all. i swear i was out of it
there you go.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
FC Massey
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Young Minds
It is a well known fact that the younger a person is, the stronger/better his brain is. My nephew is 3 turning 4, and my sister is trying to teach him his Alphabets. So I started reading up on children, and how do you actually teach them the basics of Education. we all know whats x + x because we have learnt 1 + 1, bt how do we teach a kid that he has to learn A B C and thats how we talk.
All I have now is that Reading is important, so is consistency. I dont really understand how the brain of a child works though. hmph more reading to do.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Syed Faruk
"Syed Faruk " -
I can count the conversations we had with one hand, i regret that now. God Bless.
i sit here thinking abt the conversations we had,
the thought of you dying b4 the age of 21 is mad.
We werent buddies or nothing,
u showed me respect and it felt like it was something.
Its sad to loose a good man,
they say the good die young, the better die fast.
The next time the sun shines,
I know its you telling us its all fine.
Reminding us that life is all about time,
you either sit and whine or you beat the rest of the world and outshine.
" - Jag
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Coz Rappers are poets
Rap is angry, agressive, sexual music. Yes it is, bt hey its the emotions that we are trying to express whatever it may be ;)
Basically, this raps about standing up after you fall. Kanye raps about loving a girl. Very typical situation where the girl is ms.popularity and the guy is unheard of. You'll know how the story goes..
Exhibit 1: Kanye West
Tell me now can you make it past you caspers
So we can finally fly off into NASA
You was always the cheerleader of my dreams to
Seem to only date the head of football teams
And I was the class clown that, always kept you laughin’
We, were never meant to be baby we just happen
So please, don’t mess up the trick
hey young world I’m the new slick rick
They say I move too quick,
but we cannot let the moment pass us
Let the hourglass pass right into ashes
Let the wind blow the ash right before my glasses
So I wrote this love letter right before my classes
I could of got his ass,
someone that’s only average
For advice O.M.G, you listen to that, bitch?
Whoa it’s me Baby this is tragic
Cause we had it,
we was magic
I was flyin’, now I’m crashin’
This is bad, real bad, Michael Jackson
Now I’m mad, real mad, joe jackson
You should leave your boyfriend now,
I'm gonna ask em
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Greedy for love innit ?
Ok clarity is a problem, I cant get my point across very well so I will try here....
When our heart skips a beat, when our heart melts, when the slightest oppurtunity of love comes about, we jump at it don't we. In an attempt to be happy, in an attempt to find someone to hold close.
I came to New Zealand, not knowing anyone. Slowly i met this tamil dude name Esh, who was doing the same course I was. He came about the same time. I started hanging out with him and all that. Than we met Parvin. Awesome good looking tamil girl who has been in NZ for 3 years and has a Kiwi Bf who is damn nice.
So basically, in short, we all started hanging out. Parvin and Esh became good friends. Than they started liking each other. Parvin had a bf, while Esh was dating this girl. So basically they cant be together and things started to get complicated.
What I wanna say is, the friendship they had, is gone. Parvin used to cook for Esh nearly everyday, and they use to hang out. It used to be fun. Bt its all gone.
Moral of the Fucking story: Sometimes friendship is more important. No Matter how much you want something more to happen, no matter what, u have to think if its worth risking the friendship. After that, its your luck if you find love.
Haiya, hello 2009,
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Time to hustle

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Its time to get me one of those skiny fit tapered pants! The whole world is doing it actually, and i am sick of the t-shirt jeans concept.

In the words of Jay-Z, " I B the d-boy who infiltrated all the corporate dudes.They call shots, I call audibles.Jacob the jeweler, baubles, Lauraine Schwartz sorta dude "
Friday, April 17, 2009
It sucks when you want something you cant have. Its been a long time since that happens. I want it, but i dont know whether it will work well... Dilo i want it!!!
Anyways, sukhpreet, did u really pray for Manchester United? ?
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hello hello. Missed blogging. Its Vesakhi Week! or for kiwi's its Easter...
If you'll have watched Harry Potter, Holiday season is the best time in Hogwarts because Harry, Hermoine and Ron will be left in an empty school full of adventure! I actually kind of hoped for the same. but yea..its been far below expectations!
I made two new friends. Rohan Rastogi, who is the motherfking funnies fker you could ever meet in this god forsaken place. I swear you can just look at him and start laughing. and there is this punjabi dude from Chandigarh. His name is Nabi. I dont know his full name and all. He is ok.Bt i did get to smoke sheesha!!!!!! and Nawaljeet singh, we had Pan Flavour! It was fking amazing. Al Faqid can take a back seat.
Two weeks is going to be a killer, but thank god i have vesakhi, friends and MANCHESTER UNITED. too look foward to. I am seriously going to do Japji Sahib the day before so that Alex Ferguson will have some sorta creative spark. and Japji Sahib on that day before/or the night before so the players will be pumped. I am also getting prayers sent in from UK, gotta talk to my America & Singapore correspondent to pray for Man Utd as well.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
1. a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface2. a picture employing this technique, esp. one in which it is prominent
3. a visible scene,
4. the state of existing in space before the eye
5. the state of one's ideas, the facts known to
6. the faculty of seeing all the relevant data in a meaningful relationship:
7. a mental view or prospect: